…is an open workshop-space, where you can go alone or with friends and work on your own project.
Makerspaces are built on co-working culture. The central idea is to learn new skills together, sharing knowledge and tools.
Around the world they are known with several names (such as Hackerspace, Hacklab or FabLab) depending on their specialization and the organisation or society behind them. Despite the name, they all share some level of free entry and modern technology. Your chances to find 3D -printers, laser cutters and electronical tools in a makerspace are high. Still, most important thing in a makerspace is the co-working culture, not the high-tech equipment.
Makerspaces can be seen as a manifestation of the 21st century DIY -culture, also called the Maker Culture.
Open-source-software movement, Maker Faire -events and sharing platforms such as instructables.com or YouTube -tutorials are just a few amazing expressions of the Maker Culture around the world and the web.
Makerpaces cultivate learning together, sharing ideas and mixing modern and traditional tools and skills.
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